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6-week Creative
Women Empowerment Program

Use Your Breath to Release Stress and Blocks,

Increase Your Confidence 


Unleash Your True Potential!

BW testimonialsClarissa Hoffmann

Starts on Wed, Feb 3rd, 2021

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“All the goals that I had for this program have happened, but indirectly. Not in a conscious way. Not that I’m trying to do it and working hard for it, but it just happens.” 

Cely Riva

"After the program I felt centered, whole and reinvigorated. I LOVED THIS PROGRAM!"

Jacqueline Savageau

Breathwork Audio SampleClarissa Hoffmann


Superpower Breathwork is an active breathing meditation that allows you to raise your energetic vibration in an incredibly powerful and transformational way so you can perform at your best!


This course will help you release stress, blocks and limiting beliefs, gain greater clarity, confidence and courage so you can step into your power and share your unique gifts + talents with the world in the most authentic, joyful and effortless way!









Performers and Creatives booked MORE gigs (i.e. in Voice Over, Stand up Comedy, ABC Showcase, Films), made MORE money, started with their Dream project, made NEW friends, and achieved their GOALS with EASE thanks to this program! 


It helped them feel more empowered, more joyful and inspired to take action.





This is for you, if you want to experience a...


-> Powerful Inner Alignment with Your Dreams and Goals


-> Deep Inner Confidence and Greater Courage


-> Greater Clarity Of Mind and Flow of Creative Ideas


-> Feeling of Freedom, Pure Love and Peace


-> Greater Access to Your Heart and Inner Wisdom


-> Release of Hidden Energetic Blocks and Limiting Beliefs


-> High Energy Boost and Stronger Physical Performance


-> Connection to Your True Authentic Self & an Amazing Presence


-> Greater Flow of Abundance in Your Life


-> Greater Lung Capacity and Vocal Quality


-> Cultivation of Emotional Balance


-> Overall Well-being: Mentally, Emotionally, Physically


-> Accountability for Your Self-Care and Progress Towards Your Dream


-> Consistent Inspiration and Motivation


-> Feeling Connected With and Cheered On by Other Amazing Women Who Are Passionate and Ambitious Like You 



More details:


* 6 sessions á 120min in 6 weeks for a powerful, measurable transformation


* Recording of every session included in case you won't be able to attend live


* Exclusively for WOMEN to allow a safe & supportive container


* Wednesdays, 4-6pm PT / 7-9pm ET


* Start: February 3rd -  April 21st, 2021

(Join the wait list for the next one:


* Very discounted rate for performers: only 299$, usually 749$/6 private sessions




You Will Leave This Program Completely Transformed With A New Superpower At Hand! :)


Note: If this course has already started, join the wait list for the next one by sending an email to


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"Clarissa and her breathwork program is totally worth the investment. There's no way the course description can fully do justice to the actual experience. There is undeniable value in taking the time to explore the power of your breath."

Janora McDuffie

"With breathwork I found a sense of calm in these crazy times. Now I feel invigorated and I've gained a tool for life! Besides that I enjoyed gaining greater awareness, support and connection with the other women in the group. It's fun! Clarissa is very supportive and you will get something out of it no matter your circumstances!"

Elizabeth Grumley


"3 benefits: Focus on my important topics, time for myself and trust in myself! What I can tell anyone out there: Just do it! No matter what your issue is, it will help you. I promise."

Marget Flach

"I feel exhilirated and very grateful! The guided sessions helped me to tap into this deep well of love I have inside me that yearns to be expressed. It was heart opening and opened up a greater willingness to take risks. 


If you're looking for transformation this is the place to come!"

Karen Foreman

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"The 6-week Superpower Breathwork for Performers program has changed the way I envisioned myself. It truly brings out your most grounded and unique self. Breathwork worked for me in unconscious ways by making me closer to my best self and my goals. It's daring, profound and beautiful; and, I recommend it to everyone who's reading this!"

Cely Riva

Dare to take the next step and sign up like these amazing women did and tap into your innate power to realise your goals with greater

ease, joy and success! 





Breathwork can result in an intense physical and emotional experience.


*MUST be 18yrs or older.


*DO NOT participate if you are: pregnant, have severe hypertension or cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, experience seizures, bipolar disorders or schizophrenia, or have had recent major surgeries, major health conditions, or have been advised by your doctor to avoid strenuous exercise.

Book Online

6-week Breathwork Course for Creative Souls




Dates: Feb 3, 2021 - April 21, 2021


Takes place every week, total of 6 sessions

Wednesdays - 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PST

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